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Friday, October 5, 2007

Lori Casey / SML Thank You

MH + SML + KN / Von / 20070921.850SD.IS.0706 / SML

I lost everything after Miguel Hernandez' farewell drinks. Then last Monday, a woman named Lori Casey called me and let me know that she has found it inside a cab. I was ecstatic! She has done such amazing thing and the first thing she said on the phone was that she was sorry that she did not call me earlier.

I am constantly amazed at the amazing things people are doing everyday—which is precisely the reason why I have a blog devoted just for thank you notes (

Here’s a photo of every single gadgets uncovered in that bag, not a penny was lost:

SML Flickr: Uncovered Treasures / 20070925.850SD.IS.0756 / SML

This photo has notes. Go to photo page on my Flickr stream and move your mouse over the photo to see them.

More thanks
I would like to thank Karen Ngai + Miguel Hernandez for taking photos with me at Miguel's drinks. And of course, Lauren Shea for taking the photograph.

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©2007 See-ming Lee / SML Thank You / SML Universe. All rights reserved.

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