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Sunday, August 26, 2007

SML Fine Art ( 美術 / 美术 / ファインアート)

Fine Art / 2007 / SML Graphic Design
SML Fine Art / SML

SML Fine Art = Small + Medium + Large + Fine Art;

SML Fine Art= Small + Medium + Large + Architecture + Cinematography + Creativivity + Dance + Design + Drawing + Film + Graffiti + Intermedia + Literature + Media + Music + Painting + Photography + Printmaking + Scupture + Textiles + Theatre + Writing;

SML Fine Art (Flickr Group)


  • Yellow = Magic / Magical

  • White = Pure


  • Inner circle = Base / Core / Interior / Internal

  • Middle circle = Bridge / Transformation / Transition

  • Outer circle = Exterior / External / Public Facing

Brand Attributes

  • Creative

  • Inspirational

  • Magical

  • Witty

Related Brands

Homo Magi (Logo / Flickr Group)
Meta Human (Logo / Flickr Group)
Life Celebrates Diversity (Logo / Flickr Group)

Wikipedia: Fine art

Fine art refers to arts that are concerned with a limited number of visual and performing art forms, including painting, sculpture, dance, theatre, architecture and printmaking. Schools, institutes, and other organizations still use the term to indicate a traditional perspective on the art forms, often implying an association with classic or academic art.

The word "fine" does not so much denote the quality of the artwork in question, but the purity of the discipline. This definition tends to exclude visual art forms that could be considered craftwork or applied art, such as textiles. The more recent term visual arts is widely considered to be a more inclusive and descriptive phrase for today's variety of current art practices, and for the multitude of mediums in which high art is now more widely recognized to occur. Ultimately, the term fine in 'fine art' comes from the concept of final cause, or purpose, or end, in the philosophy of Aristotle. The final cause of fine art is the art object itself; it is not a means to another end except perhaps to please those who behold it.

An alternative, if flippant, reference to "fine art," is capital "A" art, or, art with a capital "A."

The term is still often used outside of the arts to denote when someone has perfected an activity to a very high level of skill. For example, one might metaphorically say that "Pelé took football to the level of a fine art."

That fine art is seen as being distinct from applied arts is largely the result of an issue raised in Britain by the conflict between the followers of the Arts and Crafts Movement, including William Morris, and the early modernists, including Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury Group. The former sought to bring socialist principles to bear on the arts by including the more commonplace crafts of the masses within the realm of the arts, while the modernists sought to keep artistic endeavour exclusive, esoteric, and elitist.

Confusion often occurs when people mistakenly refer to the Fine Arts but mean the Performing Arts (Music, Dance, Drama, etc). However, there is some disagreement here, as, for example, at York University, Fine Arts is a faculty that includes the "traditional" fine arts, design, and the "Performing Arts".

An academic course of study in fine art may include a Master of Fine Arts degree.



Wikipedia: 美术

美术是一种艺术, 一般指除了建筑艺术之外的造型艺术的通称,一般分为两大类,即:純美術和工藝美術兩類.

Wikipedia: ファインアート

ファインアート (fine art, fine arts)は、芸術的価値を専らにする活動や作品を指す概念。 日本語の芸術とほぼ同義であるが、とくに応用芸術、大衆芸術と区別して純粋芸術を意味する場合に使われる。芸術の中でも美術について使われることが多く、この場合、応用美術に対して純粋美術とも。

ファインアートは、ハイカルチャーを構成する一部分である。ハイアート(high art)はファインアートとほぼ同義だが、ファインアートは応用芸術との対比で、ハイアートは大衆芸術との対比で使われることが多い。


SML Flickr Groups (

Homo Magi is a term to describe a sub-race of magic-using humans in the DC Universe. The Homo Magi evolved in a parallel but separate line, alongside Homo Sapiens. Homo Magi and Metahumans account for most of the superhuman abilities in the DC Universe. (Wikipedia: Homo Magi)

Ideal Husbands

Life Celebrates Diversity = all age + all attires + all builds + all classes + all colors + all cultures + all education levels + all flavors + all genders + all hair styles + all income levels + all interests + all lifestyles + all locations + all philosophy + all professions + all physiques + all races + all religions + all roles + all sexual tastes = all walks of life (Wikipedia: Diversity)

Meta Human is a term to describe superhumans in the DC Universe. It is roughly synonymous with both mutant and mutate (in the Marvel Universe) and posthuman in the Wildstorm and Ultimate Marvel Universes. Use of the term in reference to superheroes was coined in 1986 by author George R. R. Martin, first in the Superworld role playing system, and then later in his Wild Cards series of novels. (Wikipedia: Metahuman)

Meta Men = Men / Meta Humans

Meta Women = Women / Meta Humans

SML Fine Art = Small + Medium + Large + Fine Art

SML Men = Small + Medium + Large + Men


SML = See-ming Lee = Design + Technology + Marketing Strategy

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