SML Search

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Maka-Maka = Google's Facebook

TechCrunh: Google's Response to Facebook: "Maka-Maka" / 2007-10-29

Highlights (SML transcription in semi-SML.SML syntax):
  • Maka-Maka encompasses Google’s grand plan to build a social layer across all of its applications.
  • Google to "out open" Facebook with new APIs for developers to build apps for Orkut, iGoogle and eventually other applications as well.
  • Google new APIs for social network expected announcement = November 8 or 9th
  • Number of partners that have created apps on top of the APIs = 50
  • Of the 24.6 million monthly visitors to Orkut, only 500,000 of those are in the U.S.
  • Google should bring everything (Contacts in Gmail + Feeds in Google Reader + IM buddy list in Gtalk + Events in Google Calendar + Widgets in iGoogle) into a social application without your realization that you just joined another network.

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