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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Wikipedia: more audience than New York Times

AdAge published top sites by parent companies in their 2008 annual and I find it interesting to note that Wikipedia has more audience than the New York Times:

Top sites by unique audience: Top 10 parent companies
|||||||||||| 121.3 million - Microsoft
|||||||||||| 120.3 million - Google
||||||||||| 111.9 million - Yahoo
|||||||||| 103.8 million - Time Warner
||||||| 73.1 million - News Corp.
||||||| 68.6 million - eBay
|||||| 64.6 million - IAC / InterActiveCorp
|||||| 60.3 million - Amazon
||||| 49.9 million - Wikimedia Foundation
||||| 49.6 million - New York Times Co.

Advertising Age Annual 2008: Top sites by unique audience: Top 10 parent companies / 2007-12-31 / SML Screenshots (by See-ming Lee 李思明 SML)
Copyright 2007 Advertising Age. All rights reserved.

If the content by Wikimedia Foundation gets so much audience, there is a definite advertising market for wiki. Wiki is open-source but I am not sure if you are allowed to use its content for commercial purposes (I must check).

Meanwhile, it makes me wonder how the business model work, as they clearly sell ads and clearly uses wikipedia content.

Advertising Age Annual 2008: Top sites by unique audience: Top 10 web brands / 2007-12-31 / SML Screenshots (by See-ming Lee 李思明 SML)
Copyright 2007 Advertising Age. All rights reserved.

Also interesting to me is the amount of time users spend on these sites. I'd assume that the data plotted above are the average amount of time per users on these sites. If people are spending 4 hours on AOL and 2 hours on MySpace everyday, it suggests that there is much money to be made via subliminal advertising on the site. The key for advertisers is to find fun and unintrusive way to promote their products in these spaces.

I'd happily throw hp-branded electronic boards at my friends on Facebook if the graphics are cool. The latest hp-flickr promotion is interesting also. User-centered services and promotion are key for corporation to extend their brand reach into the Web 2.0 space. Most ideas are out there, it just takes a good matchmaker to tie them together to create value to both the consumer and the business. (See: SML Pro Blog: Innovation = Synergy of Existing Ideas)

SML Copyright Notice
©2007 See-ming Lee 李思明 SML / SML Pro Blog / SML Universe. All rights reserved.

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