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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Domain names = My one-line poetry

Recently, I started writing poetry. My poems are expressed as domain names — they are my one-line poetry [1]. My chosen medium of art has, according my intelligence reports, apparently worried a lot of people around me, who feared that I must have turned crazy / insane / nuts / all of the above.

What is interesting, however, is that most people don't consider writing poetry crazy. Most also don't consider companies who buy multiple domain names to be crazy. The antonym of crazy is, I suppose, normal. Normal is a relative term, and is the average of the population. There is no absolute state of normality. In fact, Wikipedia suggests that normality "is someone who conforms to the ideals of society and refuses to be individual." [2]

A lot of people spend hundreds of dollars on fashion as a form of retail therapy. No one thinks that they are crazy. I spend 9.99/year and buy domain names instead — it is far cheaper than other forms of retail therapy, such as designer jeans and t-shirts.

You will probably be a more responsible blogger if we charge you some amount of money for every word you write. Charging people for their posts should also fight the verbal diarrhea by unintelligent spam bots with inadequate artificial intelligence algorithms invading the blogosphere these days.

Blog Post Notes

  1. One-line poetry. Inspired by Steven Hall's two-word poems when we first met in 1997.

  2. Quoted from Wikipedia: Normality (behavior).

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